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Author: Terry McCarthy
Summary of donations 2020/2021
Regrettably, our club’s activities were curtailed since the start of the coronavirus emergency, which impacted on our ability to hold fund-raising events for charitable purposes. However, our members were extremely generous in in making personal gifts to our Charity account, resulting in total charitable donations from the Club of £7445 for the year. Beneficiaries of our donations included:
- Battle Food Bank
- The Conquest Hospital Critical Care Charitable Fund
- Westerleigh Judokwai
- Cancer Research UK
- Battle & Langton School
- Riding for the Disabled
- St Mary’s Battle – Summer food project for children
- Caterpillar Pre-school – fees for a child
- The Snowflake Trust – support for the homeless
Summary of donations 2019/2020
The Club’s charitable donations in the year to 31 March 2020 totalled £9300 – a record for the last 5 years. Notably, we supported the Conquest Hospital Critical Care Unit and the League of Friends with funds intended for the benefit of front-line staff during the coronavirus pandemic. Battle Food Bank was also a beneficiary as we recognised that the lockdown would impact on people’s income and consequently on their ability to provide for their families in the usual way. Further help for these worthy beneficiaries has continued in the new financial year with effect from 1 April 2020.
Battle Community also benefited from our support for:
- the installation of a new petanque pitch in the Recreation Ground
- the upgrading of the audio-visual system in the Memorial Hall
- The Battle Festival, which included introducing primary school children to classical music
- Run-on-the-Rec, an event organised for local children by Leo Cacciatore to encourage participation in sport
- A local judo club that encourages the participation of youngsters with physical and learning difficulties
The beneficiaries of many other donations included:
- Battle Bonfire Society
- A local village play school
- The Snowflake Trust for the homeless
- A project at the Conquest Hospital relating to mental health
- The Dragonflies Project which helps bereaved children
Extraordinary Committee Meeting
Accounts – Year Ended 31 March 2020
Due to Coronavirus, the planned Residential trip to Mid-Wales has been cancelled. Everyone who had booked for this trip has now been advised by letter, and refunds of the large final payments made at the end of March have been paid by cheque. This action left the question of deposit refunds unresolved, but after discussions with Airedale Tours, Jan Morgan arranged for the following:
- Insurance claim forms to be sent by Airedale direct to people who had received complimentary insurance cover with this tour company
- Cancelled invoices to be sent to others, who had their own private insurance, so that claims could be substantiated.